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And before anyone asks, no this is not a picture of me. Anyway, now that that's out of the way. Hi, my name is Deborah and I'm a FanFiction author. Yeah, you knew that already, right.


I started my journey into fanfiction around thirteen years ago with snippets of miscellaneous things here and there, but it was always pieces from the same story, a show I had seen and loved, "Star Blazers." I never could have guessed how long my love for it would last, but it was not merely the story that captivated me. In fact, one of the main reasons I chose to pursue writing fanfiction for this fandom was specifically because I didn't like how parts of the story went. No, it was more than that; it was, in fact, the characters who drew me. Two or three in particular have been significant influences in my life; I might even venture so far as to call them my friends. Don't worry, I don't hear voice in my head or anything.


These chracters have illustrated to me many life lessons and spiritual truths that I don't think I would have understood nearly as well if they hadn't acted it out before my mind's eye. In fact, it is because of God's use of one character in particular that I am who I am today.

The moment you see yourself in

the face of someone you despise

is the moment you see yourself

for who you really are.

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